If your team is collaborating on a significant number of Projects, the sheer amount of information can get overwhelming, and important notes are often missed or misconstrued. Mentions allow you to tag another entity directly in order to call attention to it. You can mention another User, or a Quote or Layout belonging to the Project you're working on.

When composing a Note or a Sticky Note, you can include a Mention by typing "@". This will give you a list of available entities, which you can narrow down by typing the first few letters. Select your choice when you see it. The Mention will be linked specifically to the User, Quote, or Layout it represents; Users can click the link to quickly pop over and see what the Mention's author is talking about.

User Mentions

If you have three Jeffs in your Company, it's helpful to specify which you're referring to. Tagging them with a Mention–which contains their first and last name–removes all doubt. Additionally, when you mention a User, your note shows right up on their Activity Dashboard, so they get the message as soon as they log in. They don't need to go digging through every Project to see if anyone happened to address them since the last time they checked.

User Role Mentions

Roles work like User proxies on specific projects. The User Roles you create are unique to your Company, are available to Jigawatt Pro Users, and are completely optional. Learn more about User Roles.

You may have several Users in your Company who each assume the Role of "Coordinator" on different Projects. If you don't happen to recall which of them is assigned on the Project in question, simply mention "@Coordinator", and whoever happens to be assigned will get the message. As with Quotes and Layouts, if you don't have a Coordinator assigned to your particular Project, the tag won't show up in the list.

Quote and Layout Mentions

Notes & Activity are found on the Project Hub, and the log is general to the Project itself. It's fairly likely, however, that you'll have multiple Layouts or Quotes on a Project, and you'll want to discuss a specific one at some point. You can Mention those just as you can a User, by typing "@" and choosing from the list. This creates a link directly to that entity.